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Private Acts of 1943 Chapter 125

SECTION 1.  That the County of Hamilton, State of Tennessee, by and through its County Council in regular or special session assembled is hereby authorized to purchase land in Hamilton County consisting of the amount of acreage the Council may deem necessary upon which to erect a County Workhouse and all other necessary buildings and the equipment for the same and to provide necessary equipment for farming and cultivating said land, and to purchase live stock.

SECTION 2.  That said County Council is authorized to appropriate sufficient funds of the county to finance the same.

SECTION 3.  That the Department of Highways and Public Works of Hamilton County may work the convicts of Hamilton County in the operation of said Work House and the farming and cultivation of said land.

SECTION 4.  That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  Jnauary [sic] 22, 1943.