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Private Acts of 1937 Chapter 849

SECTION 1. That the present line between the Counties of Monroe and McMinn be changed so that the following described lands now owned by J. N. Wilson, situated in the old Eighth Civil District of Monroe County, shall be included in the present Third Civil District of McMinn County, Tennessee: That part of the lands of said J. N. Wilson as are described as beginning at a conditional corner, between said Wilson land and J. R. Gaines, on the County Line, at a white oak, near the bank of a branch; running thence south, crossing the Tellico- Etowah Road, fifty (50) rods to a stake on the east and west section line; thence due east fortyfive (45) rods to a stake on a conditional corner between this land mentioned, fifty (50) rods, crossing said road and said branch, to a stake on a conditional corner between this tract and J. R. Gaines; thence west, along said Gaines line, forty-five (45) rods to beginning corner; containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less. Being part of what has been known as the Cass Tract, and formerly the property of James Wilson, now deceased.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: May 20, 1937.