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Private Acts of 1937 Chapter 409

COMPILER'S NOTE: The caption of this act reads: "An act to create a first of chief deputy sheriff in counties in Tennessee having a population of not less than 25,400 not more than 25,450, to fix his compensation, to prescribe his duties and provide for his appointment."

SECTION 1. That in the counties having a population specified in the caption of this Act there shall be and hereby is created the office of first or Chief Deputy Sheriff to the Sheriff, who shall be appointed by said Sheriff and serve under his direction.

SECTION 2. That said Deputy Sheriff shall receive the sum of $100.00 per month payable upon a warrant or voucher of the County Judge on the first day of each month and all fees collected by him shall be turned in to the County Treasury.

SECTION 3. That his duties shall be those designated to him by the Sheriff of such counties as come within the provisions of the caption of this Act.

SECTION 4. That said first or Chief Deputy Sheriff shall receive no other compensation than that provided in this Act and shall serve under the direction and at the will of the Sheriff of said county.

SECTION 5. That all Acts in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed and that the same take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

PASSED: March 5, 1937.