SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Dickson and Montgomery in the State of Tennessee, be and the same is hereby changed so as to include within the boundaries of said Montgomery County, and in the present Sixteenth Civil District thereof, that part of said Dickson County, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a stone, it being the southeast corner of Montgomery County and the northwest corner of Dickson County in the west boundary line of Cheatham County, said corner being described as a stone six feet (6') south of a sycamore marked as a pointer, said point bearing north twenty degrees (20 deg.) west from the mouth of Hagewood's Branch at a distance of forty-two (42) poles, thence with said Cheatham County line, supposedly with the main forth of Barton's Creek, on a general course of south eighteen and one half degrees (18 1/2 deg.) east forth (40) poles to a point in the center line of said creek on the following courses and distances: South forty nine degrees (49 deg.) west twenty-four (24) poles, south forty-four and one half degrees (44 1/2 deg.) west fifty (50) poles, south sixty-five degrees (65 deg.) west forty-two (42) poles, south eighty-three degrees (83 deg.) west fifty-three (53) poles, north seventy-six and one-half degrees (76 1/2 deg.) west forty-four (44) poles, south fifty-seven degrees (57 deg.) west thirty-two (32) poles, south fourteen degrees (14 deg.) west sixty-two (62) poles, south forty-nine and one-half degrees (49 1/2 deg.) west twenty-two poles, south fifty-eight degrees (58 deg.) west forty-five (45) poles, and north sixty-four and one-half degrees (64 1/2 deg.) west fifty (50) poles to the center point in said creek at the southeast corner of the W. L. Cook farm; thence with the east boundary line of said farm north two degrees (2 deg.) east ninety-two (92) poles to a stake in the original line dividing Dickson and Montgomery counties, the said stake being the southeast corner of that portion of said Cook farm taken out of Montgomery County and placed in Dickson County by Chapter 199 of the Private Acts of 1897; thence along the original county line, present magnetic bearing, north seventy-one and one-half degrees (71 1/2 deg.) east three hundred forty-one (341) poles to the beginning, comprehending portions of the farms of H. L. Toler and John C. Weems, and the southern portion of that is known as the Jennette farm, and aggregating in the whole one hundred and sixty-two (162) acres, more or less.
SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 22, 1937.