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Private Acts of 1935 Chapter 628

SECTION 1. That the office of County Superintendent of Schools be, and the same is hereby created in all Counties of the State of Tennessee, having a population of not less than 17,800 and not more than 17,820 according to the Federal Census of 1930 or any subsequent Federal Census.

SEC. 2. That the term of office of said County Superintendent of Schools shall be for two (2) years and until his successor is elected and qualified on and after the first Monday in July, 1940, said Superintendent of Schools shall be elected by the Quarterly County Courts of the counties coming within the provisions of this Act. Said courts at their regular July term of court in the year, 1940, and every two years thereafter, by a majority vote of the members of court present and voting shall elect said Superintendent of Schools, whose term of office shall run for a period of two years, beginning the first day of September following said election and who shall hold said office until his successor is elected and qualified as herein provided.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1939, Chapter 330

SEC. 3. That he shall have the same qualifications as required by the State Board of Education or be a college graduate of a college or university offering a four year course, and shall perform the same duties as are required to be performed by the general laws of the State applicable to said office; and shall receive such salary as the County Court may fix and as is now allowed by the State laws, and the County Superintendent of Schools shall be entitled to receive such portion of the state supplement to the salaries of county superintendents of education which is applicable to counties falling within the purview of this Act as the County Superintendent of Public Instruction would receive if such office existed in such county.

SEC. 4. That Sam Wilson is hereby named and appointed to act as County Superintendent of Schools for Loudon County, and will act as such officer until the next regular August election, and will receive the same salary as is now allowed by law and the County Court to said officials, and in the event of his inability to qualify or failure or refusal to act, then the Governor is empowered and shall name a suitable person to act as such County Superintendent of Schools for Loudon County, Tennessee, to act until the next regular August election.

SEC. 5. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

COMPILER's NOTE: Private Act of 1953, Chapter 282 amended this Act, but failed to designate the placement of the amended language. It is included hereafter.

SEC. ___. “That the General Election to be held on the first Thursday in August, 1954, for the election of County Officials, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected for the County or Counties coming within the provisions of this Act a County Superintendent of Schools by the qualified voters of such County or Counties in the same manner as other County Officials are elected for said County or Counties in said General Election. “Said Superintendent of Schools shall receive such salary to which his experience, training and qualifications shall entitle him under the state laws regulating the compensation of such officials, and shall take office September 1 succeeding his or her election and shall hold said office for a term of four years and until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified, as herein provided.

“Said Superintendent of Schools shall possess such qualifications as are prescribed by the general law of the State for such officials; and said Superintendent of Schools shall have the powers and perform the duties as are required by the general laws of the State applicable to said office of Superintendent of Schools.” Passed: April 20, 1935.