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Private Acts of 1935 Chapter 189

SECTION 1.  That on and after the date herein set out the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, in and for the counties of the State of Tennessee having a population of not less than 29,215 nor more than 29,223 according to the Federal Census of 1930 or any subsequent Federal Census, shall be elected by the qualified voters of said counties at the general election to be held on the first Thursday of August, 1936, and biennially thereafter, and the term of office of the first person elected hereunder shall begin on the first Monday in September, 1936, and continue to the first Monday in September, 1938, and until a successor is elected and qualified, and the person so elected shall possess the same qualifications and discharge the same duties that are now discharged by the County Superintendent of Public Instruction generally, as set forth and defined under the general law, and the compensation of such person shall be fixed by the Quarterly County Court, as now provided by law, vacancies to be filled by County Court.

The first Superintendent elected under the provisions of this Act, shall serve from the first Monday in September, 1936, until the first Monday in September, 1938, and the successors in said office thereafter shall qualify and serve from the first Monday in September after their respective election for the ensuing two years.

SECTION 2.  That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed, and this Act to take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  February 20, 1935.