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Private Acts of 1933 Chapter 848

SECTION 1.  That in counties of this State having a population of not less than 35,000 nor more than 35,150 according to the Federal Census of 1930 or any subsequent Federal Census, the sheriff thereof shall be paid the sum of Thirty-five Hundred ($3,500) Dollars per year, payable monthly out of the county treasury.  In addition thereto such sheriff may appoint a jailer who shall have charge and care of the County jail.  Such jailer shall be paid the sum of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars per annum, payable monthly out of the county treasury.  The above compensation shall be in full of all compensation for the services of the said sheriff as above mentioned and all fees and other emoluments of office which would accrue to him in the absence of this law shall be and become the property of the County.

It shall be the duty of the sheriff of such counties, not later than the tenth of each month, to make a report to the county judge and to turn over to such official all sums which may have been collected by him during the preceding calendar month by virtue of his position as sheriff, which report shall be in itemized form and contain a true and accurate list of the office accruing to such sheriff by virtue of his position.

SECTION 2.  That after the effective date of this Act the sheriffs of such counties shall be deprived of any and all emoluments which might otherwise accrue to them by virtue of the board of prisoners after conviction and in such counties all accounts for supplies and clothing and the board and upkeep of such prisoners shall be paid by the county.  There is hereby created a Jail Commission composed of the county judge, county court clerk and sheriff of such counties, whose duties it shall be to provide clothing, bedding and food for prisoners in such county jails as now provided by law.  Such Jail Commission shall be vested with exclusive power to make all purchases of food, bedding, clothing and other supplies for prisoners in the jails of said counties and such supplies, food, clothing, etc. shall be paid out of the General County Account by warrant issued by the county court clerk and signed by the county judge, after approved bills therefor have been filed in his office, which said bills shall be approved by a majority of said Jail Commission.  In case there shall be any prisoners held in said jail under the authority to convictions in courts of the United States, such prisoner shall be provided for in the same manner as provided in the above section but all sums paid by the United States for their care and upkeep shall be and become the property of the county.

SECTION 3.  That it shall be unlawful for any sheriff in counties affected by this Act to fail and refuse to make the reports herein called for to the county judge or to make an incorrect report, or to willfully convert to his own use any sums belonging to the county under this Act.  It shall also be a misdemeanor for any sheriff in counties affected by this Act to share in or receive any portion of the fees accruing to his deputies under the provision of any Act allowing the same to such deputies.

SECTION 4.  That this Act shall take effect from and after Sept. 1, 1934, the public welfare requiring the same.

Passed:  April 22, 1933.