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Private Acts of 1933 Chapter 477

SECTION 1. That the County Judge or Chairman of any county in the State of Tennessee, having a population of not less than Twenty-four Thousand, and not more than Twenty-five Thousand inhabitants according to the Federal Census of 1930, or any subsequent Federal Census, be, and he is hereby required, and the duty is imposed upon him that he serve as purchasing agent of said county, in addition to the duties already imposed on him by law, without additional compensation.

SECTION 2. That the said County Judge or County Chairman, when discharging the duties imposed upon him as purchasing agent or representative of said county as aforesaid, shall be required, and it shall be his duty to purchase all supplies of every description, kind and character, including insurance on all county property which may be needed, or used in or for all county offices of said county, and by all county officers, officials and employees thereof, or in and for the county jail, the county workhouse, the county poorhouse or asylum or the county poor farm, the public schools thereof, the highway commissioners, highway commission and highway officials thereof, or by any of the other boards of, or commissions of said county where any such supplies of any description, kind and character are paid for, or shall be paid for, out of the public funds belonging to said county, or counties. No supplies or materials where the amount of the purchase is in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be purchased except upon competitive bids after sufficient notice or advertisement requisite to notify prospective bidders of such proposed purchase.

In addition to the aforementioned duties, the said County Judge or County Chairman, in the discharge of said duties related to purchasing of supplies, etc., shall upon being so requested or directed by the Quarterly County Court, or any other county official duly authorized so to do, sell any and all real and personal property of the county not needed or serviceable for the public use, or that may have been condemned or discarded as useless.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1984, Chapter 246

SECTION 3. That all county officials, all chairmen, all commissions or boards, and all superintendents or authorized clerks of any department or court in said counties, shall make requisitions upon the said County Judge or Chairman for the quantity and kind of materials, supplies and articles needed, or which said officials may think needed by his office, commission or department, and if the said County Judge or Chairman shall be satisfied that the quantity, quality and character of such supplies, materials, etc., so requisited are proper, he shall thereupon purchase the same as hereinbefore provided for.

SECTION 4. That the said County Judge or Chairman shall inspect, count, measure, or weigh all supplies delivered under such contracts of purpose as he may make, in order to determine the quantity and the quality thereof, and the conformity thereof with specifications therefor under which said purchase may have been made.

SECTION 5. That the said County Judge or Chairman shall make out necessary and proper vouchers for all purchases so made, accompanying the same with invoices, information as to price, quantity and character of such supplies and materials, as may have been bought, and approve and order for payment of these said vouchers, with the accompanying papers aforesaid. Said vouchers to specify the department or office for which said purchase was made, and the fund against which the same, when paid, shall be charged, provided further that in such counties which may have a County Board of Education that all vouchers made for the purchase of supplies, materials, etc., which is chargeable to the Public School Fund of said county, shall after approval by the said County Judge or Chairman, be delivered to the County Board of Education which Board shall cause warrants to be issued in payment thereof, and which shall be charged against said public School Funds.

SECTION 6. That the said County Judge or Chairman is charged with the duty of keeping a full and correct record of all his actions pursuant to this Act, and shall keep a full and correct inventory of all the materials, supplies purchased by the county and not delivered directly at the time of the purchase to the various offices or departments of said county, and of the disposition thereof.

SECTION 7. That the County Judge or Chairman shall not issue payable warrants for any materials, supplies or articles of any description unless the same shall have been purchased under the provisions of this Act.

SECTION 8. That this Act shall not in any particular or matter effect (sic), abridge or repeal the provisions, powers privileges or salary granted the County Judge of certain counties by Senate Bill No. 159, being Chapter 108 of the Private Acts of Tennessee, 1929.

SECTION 9. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 13, 1933