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Private Acts of 1933 Chapter 342

SECTION 1.  That the line between the counties of Moore and Coffee be changed by detaching from Coffee county and adding to Moore county the lands situated south and west of the following described line, to wit:

Beginning at a point in the fence inclosing the lands of Lem Motlow, on the north side of the Lynchburg and Tullahoma road known as the "Cobb road," where said road crosses the Moore-Coffee county line, and running from thence in a northwesterly direction with said fence, along said road, to the southeast corner of Lem Motlow's "Paty tract;" thence with the east boundary line of said Paty tract to the northeast corner of said Motlow's "Harton tract;" thence with the north boundary line of said Harton tract to a point in the line of said Motlow's "Briney tract;" thence with the line of said Briney land to the line of said Motlow's "Jenkins tract;" thence with the line of the Jenkins tract to the north side of the Dixie Highway; thence easterly with the north side of said Highway to the corner of the lands of Harve Moore; thence with Moore's line in a northerly direction to Lem Motlow's "Robinson tract;" thence with the line of said Robinson tract back to the point where the boundary line of that tract crosses Moore county line.

SECTION 2.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. 

Passed:  April 5, 1933.