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Private Acts of 1933 Chapter 329

SECTION 1.  That in certain counties of this State having a population of not more then 24,310, nor less than 24,320, according to the Federal Census of 1930, or any subsequent Federal Census, all Workhouse Bonds shall be received, approved and collected by the Criminal Court Clerk of said counties, who shall have and exercise the powers now had or exercised by the various officials of said respective counties in respect to the receiving, approval and collection of such bonds.  And such Clerk shall account for the funds so collected in the same manner as such collections are accounted for under the present or existing law.

SEC. 2.  That before any such Clerk is authorized to accept, approve or receive any Workhouse Bond he shall first satisfy himself that said bond contains the name of at least two good solvent sureties, and the willful violation of this provision of this Act shall render said Clerk and his official bondsmen liable for such bond or bonds so taken.

SEC. 3.  That such Clerk shall not take or receive any such bond while his Court is in session for any fine or judgment imposed at such session of said Court; provided, however, that this Section shall not prevent the securing of fine or judgment in open Court, as is now provided by existing law.

SEC. 4.  That said Clerks shall receive as compensation for their services in receiving, approving and collecting said Workhouse Bonds, in addition to any compensation they may now receive, a commission of ten per cent (10%) on all sums collected and reported, which commission shall be deducted by such Clerks in and at the time of making and reporting such collections to the County Trustee of said respective counties.

SEC. 5.  That each and every Workhouse Bond shall bear, and there shall be incorporated therein the following words and figures:  "And if this bond is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, or if suit is instituted thereon, we, the principal and sureties, agree to pay 15% attorney fees in addition to the principal and interest, and all other fees and charges."  And in case any Workhouse Bond is placed ni [sic] the hands of an attorney for collection or suit is instituted thereon, that said 15% attorney fees, in addition to the principal, interest and other fees and charges on and of said Workhouse Bonds shall become due and payable.

SEC. 6.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 7.  That this act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 5, 1933.