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Private Acts of 1933 Chapter 262

SECTION 1. That the line between Monroe and McMinn Counties be changed and that the lands lying within the following described boundaries be transferred from the Old 6th, New 2nd Civil District of McMinn County and placed in the Old 7th, New 3rd Civil District of Monroe County, and the said tract of land so transferred being described as follows: Being a tract of one hundred acres of land adjoining the land of R.F. Hicks and being the same tract of land purchased by R. F. Hicks from Mattie Torbett and others, and said tract of 100 acres lying immediately West of the lands of the said R. F. Hicks, and said 100 acre tract all being in McMinn County, Tennessee.

The said 100 acre tract is bounded on the East by the lands of R. F. Hicks; on the North by the lands of O. S. Thomas; on the West by the lands of Brient; on the South by the lands of Lee.

SECTION 2. That the State and county taxes for the year 1933 and prior years thereto on said 100 acre tract of land shall be paid as assessed to the Trustee of McMinn County, Tennessee, and thereafter, all taxes on said 100 acre tract of land shall be assessed and paid in Monroe County, Tennessee.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 31, 1933.