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Private Acts of 1931 Chapter 825

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The provisions of this act may have been superseded by Tennessee Code Annotated § 44-8-401 et. seq.

SECTION 1.  That it shall be unlawful for any owner or any one having the charge or control of horses, mules, asses, cattle, sheep, swine or goats to wilfully, knowingly or negligently permit the same to run at large in counties in Tennessee having a population of not less than 8,934, and not more than 8,936, according to the Federal Census of 1930, or any subsequent Federal Census.

SECTION 2.  That the owner or owners of live stock mentioned in Section 1 of this Act shall be liable for all damages done to the property of others by any such livestock when or while running at large in said counties and that those so damaged shall have a lien on the live stock doing the damage, which lien may be enforced either by attachment or by judgement and execution.

SECTION 3.  That any person or persons upon whose land or premises such stock so trespassing, whether said land be held as owner, tenant or lessee, shall have the right to take up and confine such stock, giving the same good and sufficient feed, water and attention, for which he or they shall be entitled to reasonable compensation and they shall have a lien on said live stock for the payment and satisfaction of the same, which lien may be enforced either by attachment or by judgement and execution.

SECTION 4.  That any person or persons so taking up or confining any such trespassing live stock shall give notice the same day to the owner or person having the control or charge of such trespassing live stock, if known.  If the owner or person having control or charge of such trespassing live stock be unknown the person so taking up and confining said stock shall within twenty-four hours post three notices in three conspicuous public places in the district where said live stock is being confined, giving a description of the stock, the time taken up, the place of confinement or detention and by whom held.

SECTION 5.  That any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be fined not less than $2.00, nor more than $25.00.

SECTION 6.  That his Act take effect from and after October 15, 1931, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  June 30, 1931.