SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this Act, there shall be and exist three (3) civil districts in Polk County, as follows:
The boundaries of the First Civil District shall be as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 5 in Fractional Township 2 North of Range 3 East; thence with the Monroe County line to the top of Starrs Mountain and McMinn County line; thence with McMinn County line to Hiwassee River and Bradley County line; thence with the Bradley County line to the Georgia State line; thence east with the Georgia State line to the north and south middle line of Fractional Section 22 in Fractional Township 1 South of Range 3 East; thence northward with the middle section line to the middle point of the north line of Section 3 in Township 2 of Range 3 East; thence west with township line to the southeast corner of Section 32 in Town 1 of Range 3 East; thence northward with section line to the Monroe County line at the beginning.
The boundaries of the Second Civil District shall be as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner on Monroe County line, being at the middle point on east line of Section 12 in Township 1 of Range 4 East; thence westwardly with the Monroe County line to the line of the First District at the northwest corner of Section 4 in Fractional Township 2 North of Range 3 East; thence southwardly with the line of the First District as previously described to the Georgia State line; thence east with the Georgia State line to the line of Sections 3 and 4 in Fractional Township 1 South of Range 4 East; thence northwardly to the northeast corner of Section 9 in Fractional Township 2 South of Range 4 East; thence east with section line 2 miles to the southeast corner of Section 2 in said township; thence northwardly with the section line 2 miles to the northeast corner of Section 35 in Township 2 of Range 4 East; thence eastwardly with section line one mile to the range line between Ranges 4 and 5; thence northwardly with range line 5 miles to the northeast corner of said township; thence westwardly with the township line 3 miles to the northwest corner of Section 3 in said township; thence northwardly with section line 3 miles to the northeast corner of Section 21 in Township 1 of Range 4 East; thence eastwardly 3 miles to southeast corner of Section 13 in said township; thence northwardly 1½ miles to the beginning.
The boundaries of the Third Civil District shall be as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Polk County at the junction of the Monroe and Polk County line with the North Carolina State line; thence westwardly with the Monroe County line to the northwest corner of Section 6 in Fraction Township 2 South of Range 5 East; thence southwardly with section line and the line of the Second District as previously described to the Georgia State line; thence east with the Georgia State line to the North Carolina State line; thence north with the North Carolina State line to the beginning.
SECTION 2. That the present magistrates and constables for the existing First, Second and Third Civil Districts of Polk County shall continue in office for the respective civil districts as created by this Act; provided, however, that all magistrates elected from incorporated towns shall continue to hold office as at present.
SECTION 3. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: July 1, 1931.