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Private Acts of 1931 Chapter 526

SECTION 1.  That in counties having a population of not less than 17,665 and not more than 17,7 by the Federal Census of 1930, or any subsequent Federal Census, the Quarterly County Courts when electing any county officers, which under the law they are empowered to elect, shall cast their votes by calling the name or names of the candidates for whom they desire to vote when the roll of the court is called by the County Court Clerk for the purpose of ascertaining and recording the vote and/or votes of the members of said courts in the elections of county officers as aforesaid.  It shall be mandatory for the vote in the election of county officers by the County Courts to be so ascertained and the clerk of the court shall record the vote of each and every member of the court, and the minutes of the court shall show how each and every member of the County Court voted or for whom each voted in the election of county officers.  No person shall be legally elected to any county office in the counties coming under the provisions of this Act by the said courts to any county officer, unless the vote is so taken and so recorded.

SECTION 2.  That the Quarterly County Courts in the counties coming under the provisions of this Act, in voting on appropriations of county funds for any purpose, shall in each and every instance wherein the amount for any one item shall be in the amount of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or in excess thereof, in response to a roll call by the County Court Clerk vote aye or no, and the record or minutes of the court shall show how each and every member of the court voted on said item. No appropriation for any one item in the amount of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or in excess thereof, shall be deemed to have been approved by the Quarterly County Courts in the counties coming under the provisions of this Act, unless the minutes of the court show how each and every member voted on each particular item mentioned above, and in no case shall any such appropriation of the amount above designated be deemed to have been made by the Quarterly County Courts in counties coming under the provisions of this Act, unless a majority of the members of said court vote for said appropriation and the record show that the majority of the court did so vote.

SECTION 3.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  June 23, 1931.