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Private Acts of 1929 (Extra Session) Chapter 14

SECTION 1.  That in all Counties having a population of not less than 24,355, nor more than 24,375 of [sic] the Federal Census of 1920, and any subsequent Federal Census, all elementary schools, rural, city and special school districts shall be under the direct supervision, management and control of the County Board of Education.  That said County Board of Education is hereby authorized and empowered to employ all teachers in each and all elementary schools in said counties, to which this Act applies, to fix salaries and disburse all school funds arising from both State and County school funds on the basis as now fixed by law for the pro-rata [sic] of school funds, and that said disbursement shall include all equalization funds coming from the State.

SECTION 2.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  December 9, 1929.

COMPILER'S NOTE:  This act possibly was abrogated by the provisions of Section 10 of Private Acts of 1949, Chapter 169, which vested the Board of School Commissioners with exclusive supervision and control over all public schools in the county "excluding, however, schools located within Special School Districts," although Section 10 also granted the Board of School Commissioners control over "all public school properties . . . within the control of the school authorities of such counties, or any Board of Education thereof . . . ."  However, the repeal of the 1949 act by Private Acts of 1951, Chapter 2, may have revived the 1929 act.