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Private Acts of 1929 (Ex. Sess.) Chapter 17

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The Tennessee Department of Education has no record of this special school district.  It is included in this compilation, however, because it has not been specifically repealed or superseded by law.

SECTION 1.  That a special School Taxing District be, and the same is hereby created and established, embracing the Second Civil District of Giles County, Tennessee, to be known and designated as the Prospect High School Taxing district.

SECTION 2.  That for the purpose of supporting and maintaining the Prospect High School which is located in said boundaries, as a four-year high school, by supplementing the available funds sufficiently, so that the annual term of said school may be extended, and continued for nine months, there is hereby assessed and levied for the year 1929, and for each subsequent year thereafter, a tax of five cents on every One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) worth of taxable property, both real and personal, situated within said Prospect High School Taxing District;  and there is also assessed for said purpose a One Dollar ($1.00) poll tax on each white person residing within said district, between the ages of twenty-one (21) and fifty (50) years of age.  The basis for the assessment of said tax upon said property shall be the assessed value as shown by the books of the County Trustee, and all taxes so assessed upon real estate are a lien upon such real estate.  The taxes herein assessed and levied shall become due and be collected at the same time and in the same manner as taxes under the general laws of the State, by the County Trustee.  The said taxes herein provided, when collected, shall be held by said County Trustee and constitute a special fund which shall be under the control of the County High School Board and the County Board of Education, to be paid out by warrants in the same manner as other Public High School funds and Elementary School funds are paid out, but for the sole purpose of extending and continuing the term of said Prospect High School for nine months each year, including both the High School and Elementary departments thereof, provided, any surplus remaining thereafter, at the end of each term may be expended for repairs or equipment for said schools.

SECTION 3.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Adopted:  December 10, 1929.