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Private Acts of 1929 Chapter 907

SECTION 1. That the "Sequatchie Valley Game Protective Association," of Marion County, Tennessee, is hereby authorized and empowered to make and prescribe, through its officers and members, rules and regulations as to hunting and fishing on all lands held by it, now, or hereafter, by deed, grant or otherwise, and contained within the following general boundary, to wit:

Beginning at a point near T. H. Martin where the Dixie Highway starts up Cumberland Mountain, thence across Battle Creek Cove and Cumberland Mountain in a southwesterly direction to a point where the Sewanee-Sweeden's Cove old road reaches the top bluff of the mountain; thence with said road to the Sweeden's Cove Road to a curve in said road, about one-- fourth mile above J.C. Raulston's; thence with said road to the Dixie Highway at Ketchall; thence North with the Dixie Highway to the Battle Creek Institute; thence with the meanderings of Cumberland Mountain to a point near John Walker's home; thence with the Dixie Highway to the point of beginning.

Provided, that nothing herein shall be construed as affecting, diminishing or abridging any other provisions of any game and fish law now in effect, but shall only be in addition thereto.

SECTION 2. That any person violating any of the rules and regulations of said association, shall be punished in the same manner as for violation of the Game and Fish Law now in effect in this State.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 11, 1929.