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Private Acts of 1929 Chapter 33

SECTION 1.  That the Huntingdon Special School District, created by Chapter 374, Private Acts of 1919 of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, and located in Carroll County, Tennessee, be and the same is hereby authorized, by the through its Board of Directors, to borrow money for the use and benefit of said Special School District, and to issue interest bearing note, notes, warrant or warrants, and to pledge the credit of said Huntingdon Special School District to secure the payment of said note, notes, warrant or warrants, but in no event shall they borrow more than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) at any one time.

SECTION 2.  That said note, notes, warrant or warrants so issued by said Board of Directors of said Huntingdon Special School District shall be an irrevocable evidence of the liability of said Special School District.  And the credit of said Huntingdon Special School District shall be by the act of borrowing said money and the issuance of said note, notes, warrant or warrants pledged for the payment of said amount so borrowed under this Act.

SECTION 3.  That said money, when borrowed, shall be used without any deductions therefrom for any purpose by said Board of Directors to pay the debts and operating expenses of said Huntingdon Special School District and used as a supplementary fund to the general school funds of said District, and said money, when borrowed, shall be paid out of the taxes assessed for the benefit of said Special School District under Chapter 374, Private Acts of 1919, or any other funds that may come into their hands as such Board of Directors.

SECTION 4.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.

SECTION 5.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  January 24, 1929.