SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Lawrence and Wayne in the State of Tennessee be so changed as to detach all the lands of Cager McGee from the County of Wayne and attach the same to the County of Lawrence. Said land is bounded and described as follows: Lying and being on the waters of Factors Fork of Shoal Creek and beginning at a rock with sourwood, white oak and hickory pointers, the same being the S. W. corner of the Cager McGee tract, from lot No. 7, F. M. Cannon's plat of the Jones Springer lands sold to W. W. French; thence west 176 poles to black gum and pointers; thence north 108 poles to stake and pointers; thence west 136 poles to rock black oak pointers; thence north 22 poles to stake Post Oak and Black Oak pointers; thence north 46 degrees east 97 poles to hickory and pointers; thence north 82 degrees east, 66 poles to dogwood and pointers; thence north 30½ poles to White Oak and pointers; thence east 157 poles to Black Oak and pointers, the N. W. corner of said Cager McGee tract; thence south 70 poles to rock, thence south 41 degrees east 20 poles to rock walnut pointers; thence south 17 degrees east 34 poles to beech, ash, and poplar pointers; thence south 5 degrees west, 70 poles to stake on ridge hickory pointers, thence south 80 poles to beginning.
SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 19, 1929.