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Private Acts of 1929 Chapter 202

COMPILER’S NOTE:  Since this act does not amend specific portions of Private Acts of 1921, Chapter 603, but rather, is general in its amendatory nature, it is published in full.

SECTION 1.  That Chapter 115 of the Public Acts of the State of Tennessee for the year 1925, entitled as set out in the caption hereof, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows:

Provided, That in counties having a population of not less than 115,000 nor more than 116,000 inhabitants, according to the Federal Census of 1920, or any subsequent federal census, the mayor of any municipality in such counties operating its own school system may contract with the authorities of such counties for the payment of a definite sum each year by the county to such municipality from funds derived from all taxes for school purposes in lieu of the distribution based on average daily attendance in the county and city public elementary and high schools, as now provided by said Chapter 115 of the Public Acts of Tennessee for the year 1925.”

SECTION 2.  That Chapter 603 of the Private Acts of Tennessee for the year 1921, entitled as set out in the caption hereof, be, and the same is hereby amended so that its terms shall not apply to any such counties insofar as an increase in taxes is made necessary by reason of the execution of said contract authorized in Section 1 of this Act.

SECTION 3.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  February 18, 1929.