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Private Acts of 1927 Chapter 777

SECTION 1. That the office of County Attorney is hereby created in all counties in this State having a population of not less than 22,050 nor more than 22,075, according to the Federal Census of 1920, or any subsequent Federal Census. The term of said office shall be for a period of one year, and the said County Attorney shall be appointed by the County Judge or County Chairman on the first Monday in January, following the passage of this Act, and every year thereafter, on the said first Monday in January.

SECTION 2. That it shall be the duty of said County Attorney to look after all litigation involving the said county, or to which the said county may be a party, or in which the said county may be a party, [sic] or in which said party may be interested, and all litigation involving county officers or county officials, in their official or public capacity, and to advise all county officers and officials upon any matters pertinent to the public duties of said officers, and to advise the Quarterly County Court in all pertinent matters.

SECTION 3. That the compensation of said County Attorney shall be the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars per year, payable quarterly, out of and from county funds, as other county expenses are paid, and in addition to said yearly compensation said county attorney shall be reimbursed for such actual expenses as he may incur in the duties pertaining to his office, or in connection with any litigation in which he may appear as county attorney.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 159

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 25, 1927.