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Private Acts of 1927 Chapter 776

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Fentress and Pickett, in the State of Tennessee, be so changed as to detach the lands of S. R. West from the County of Pickett, and attach the same to the county of Fentress. Said lands bounded as follows: Beginning on a sycamore on the northwest side of Wolf River, the same being the corner of Ed. Jones, running thence southwestwardly with the Ed Jones line to the corner of Ed. Stories Horsehoe Bottom tract; thence running still southwestwardly with the said Ed Stories line to the corner of the George Dukie Conataer tract of land; running thence southwestwardly with said Conatser old line to Joe Henis corner; thence northwardly with said Joe Henis line to the line of Green Moody tract of land; thence eastwardly with said Moody line to the Lillian Gilbreath, now Gilbreath heir line; thence said Gilbreath line to the county line on the north side of Wolf River; containing 350 acres, be and the same more or less.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 17, 1927