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Private Acts of 1927 Chapter 604

SECTION 1.  That the Trustee or Trustees of the several counties in Tennessee, having by the Federal census of 1920, and any subsequent Federal census, a population of not more than 10,241 nor less than 10,246 inhabitants may, if he or they so desire, make and execute to the State of Tennessee, for the use of the said State and the county in which they are elected, one single bond in the penal sum as now provided by law for the Sate and for the county, an amount equal to one-third of all the taxes, and revenues, general and special, and of every kind and nature, due the said state and county for the year next preceding the date of the execution of said bond.

The conditions of said bond shall be for the faithful, collecting, disbursing, accounting and paying and paying over any and all such taxes, revenues, and funds of every gind (sic) and character which may come into his hands by virtue of his office as Trustee, and for the faithful performance of this duties as Trustee and final settlement and laying over all the moneys remaining in his hands to his successor in office.

SECTION 2.  That the said bond shall be accepted and approved by the Chairman of the County Court and his official approval endorsed upon said bond, which will be spread upon the minutes of the county, together with the said approval of the Chairman;  and then forwarded and deposited with the State Treasurer.

SECTION 3.  That an Act does not repeal or modify the General law in force in this State regulating the making of bonds by Trustees, but this Act is only intended, as an alternative bond that the Trustee may execute the bond herein provided, at his option, or he may tender the usual bonds provided by the General laws of the State;  provided however, should the Trustee in the county or counties herein named prefer to execute the bond herein provided, to shall be received by the Sate and county in lieu of all other bonds now provided by the General laws of the State for Tennessee.

SECTION 4.  That should the Trustee tender the bond provided for in this Act, it shall be the duty of the county to pay the premiums and costs of the execution of said bond;  provided the same is executed and signed by some bonding or guaranty company authorized to do business in the State

SECTION 5.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 8, 1927.