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Private Acts of 1927 Chapter 444

SECTION 1. That, the territory of Rutherford County lying in and comprising a part of the extreme northwestern corner thereof, and described by metes and bounds as follows:

Beginning at a point in the County line between said Davidson and Rutherford Counties, at a point in the Lavergne and Couchville Road, the southwest and northwest corner respectively of the properties of John Griffin and Roy Waldon; running thence in an easterly direction along the property line of John Griffin and J. W. Walker approximately 4,000 feet to Harricane Creek; thence southerly with the meanderings of Harricane Creek to the Davidson County line between the properties of Castleman and Hunter; thence continuing with the bounds of the present Davidson County line to the point of beginning. Said new territory taken in, contains about 320 acres, and is added to the 2nd Civil District of Davidson County. Shall, and the same is hereby attached to, and constituted a part of Davidson County.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after the first day of July 1927, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 15, 1927.