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Private Acts of 1927 Chapter 317

COMPILER'S NOTE:  This act must be read in conjunction with Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 917, and Private Acts of 1957, Chapter 294, both reproduced herein.

SECTION 1.  That a Special School District, be and the same is hereby created and established, embracing all of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth Civil Districts and a portion of the Fifteenth Civil District of Carroll County, Tennessee, and including the Town of Bruceton and the Town of Hollow Rock to be known and designated as the Hollow Rock-Bruceton Special School District, with the following boundaries:

Beginning at a point in the west boundary line of Benton County, Tennessee, same being the northeast corner of the 16th Civil District of Carroll County, also being the northeast corner of the Hollow Rock-Bruceton Special School District, and the southeast corner of the 17th Civil District of Carroll County, runs thence northernly [sic] with the west boundary line of Benton County, and the east line of the 17th Civil District of Carroll County to the south boundary line of Henry County, Tennessee, runs thence westernly [sic] with the south boundary line of Henry County, and north line of the 17th Civil District of Carroll County, to the northwest corner of the said 17th Civil District, also the northeast corner of the 10th Civil District of Carroll County, runs thence southerly with the east line of the 10th Civil District to the northeast corner of the 23rd Civil District of Carroll County, same being the northwest corner of the 16th Civil District of Carroll County, thence on southernly [sic] with the east line of the 23rd Civil District and the west line of the 16th Civil District to a point in the old Bristol-to-Memphis highway thence on southernly [sic] with the east boundary line of the 11th Civil District of Carroll County to what is known as the "Rolland Mill" road, also being the north boundary line of the 15th Civil District of Carroll County, Tennessee, thence easterly with said road to the intersection with a road leading south to the Huntingdon and Buena Vista Road, thence southernly [sic] with said road to the intersection of the Huntingdon and Buena Vista Road, thence westernly [sic] to the intersection of the Smyrna road, thence in a southern direction with said road to Smyrna School house, thence southeasternly [sic] with said road to the north line of the 24th Civil District of Carroll County, Tennessee, thence easterly with the north line of the 24th District (also the south line of the 15th Civil District) to the intersection with the west line of the 18th Civil District of Carroll County, thence easternly [sic] and southernly [sic] with the west line of the said 18th Civil District to the southwest corner of said district, thence easterly with the south line of said 18th Civil District to the west boundary line of Benton County, thence northernly [sic] with the west line of Benton County and the east line of the 18th and 16th Civil District of Carroll County, to the beginning.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1963, Chapter 235

SECTION 2.  That the management and control of the schools in said Special School District shall be and is vested in a district Board of Education for said Special School District, whose duty it shall be to maintain an elementary school at Hollow Rock and an elementary school at Bruceton, and such other elementary schools as may be required under the general laws of the State, and in said elementary schools shall be taught all branches now required to be taught in elementary schools, and said County Board of Education is to have the supervision of the employment of all teachers, to open and close the schools and determine the length thereof, to suspend and dismiss pupils when the occasion and efficiency of said schools demand it, that is, having supervision, management, and control of said elementary schools.  It shall also be the duty of said County Board of Education to establish and maintain a four year Central High School in said Special School District, to be located as nearly as practicable between the two Towns, Hollow Rock and Bruceton, but not to be located within the present bounds of the municipal corporation of either of said Towns.  The location of said Central High School is to be determined by said County Board of Education, and they are authorized and empowered to obtain grounds for the location of said school, either by purchase or by eminent domain as provided for by the general laws of the State, and said County Board of Education is to have full supervision, management and control of said Central High School, the employment of teachers, to open and close said schools and determine the length of the term, to suspend and dismiss pupils when the occasion and efficiency of said school demands it, to have full supervision, management and control of said Central High School.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 917

COMPILER'S NOTE:  Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 917, amended only Section 2 to strike out the words "County Board of Education for Carroll County, Tennessee," and insert therefor "a district Board of Education for said Special School District."  Amending the act in this manner leaves numerous references to the County Board of Education, both in Section 2 and in Sections 4, 6 and 7.  Based upon subsequent amendments and supplementary acts pertaining to this school district, it appears that the legislature intended that the County Board of Education have some degree of control over the special school district.  Section 3 of the 1929 act (reproduced hereinbelow), which supplements the provisions of this act, grants the County Board of Education the power to employ teachers in special school district schools, with the recommendation of the district Board of Education.

SECTION __.  That in the event of the inability, refusal to act, or a vacancy in the office of a member or members of the District Board of Education, (vacancy being defined as moving outside the boundaries of the Special School District), then the remaining members of the District Board of Education shall elect a member or members to serve until the next regular election, at which election the qualified voters shall elect the Board member for the unexpired term in the manner presently provided.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1963, Chapter 234

COMPILER'S NOTE:  Private Acts of 1963, Chapter 234, added to Private Acts of 1927, Chapter 315, the new section reproduced above, but failed to designate a section number.

SECTION 3.  That there is hereby assessed for the year 1983 and each subsequent year thereafter, a tax not to exceed two dollars ($2.00) on every One Hundred Dollars worth of taxable property, both personal and real, situated within said Hollow Rock and Bruceton Special School District, the funds so arising from said special assessments shall be used by the Hollow Rock and Bruceton Special School District Board in supplementing the general funds arising from the State and County and other sources to support and maintain the High School and Elementary schools in said District, and said assessment for said taxes on such property shall be the assessed value as shown by the books of the County Trustee and the records in the County Court Clerk's Office.  And all taxes assessed on real estate under this Act are a lien upon such real estate and the taxes herein assessed shall become due and be collected under the general laws of the State by the County Trustee.  The taxes herein provided for, together with all school funds apportioned to said Special School District in accordance to and under the general laws of the State shall be used by the Hollow Rock and Bruceton Special School District Board of Education in supporting and maintaining said elementary schools and Central High School.  It is hereby made the duty of the Tax Assessor of Carroll County to prepare a separate and complete list of all taxable property both real and personal within said Special School District for the use of the County Trustee, in making collection of said taxes, and no personal property of the taxpayers within said Special School District shall be exempt from a levy or execution for their tax assessment on personalty herein assessed by this Act.

The District Board of Education of the Bruceton-Hollow Rock Special School District shall have the authority to set the tax rate lower than that imposed by this Act as amended or any other act setting a tax rate for the Bruceton-Hollow Rock Special School District but shall not have the power to impose a tax in excess of any statutory levy nor shall it have the power to lower any special levy assessed for the purpose of bond repayment.  In order to change the rate of taxation, the Board shall certify on or before September 1 to the county trustee the new special school district tax rate not to exceed the rate imposed by any legislative act, and the county trustee shall collect only the taxes based on the rates so certified.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1951, Chapter 696
  Private Acts of 1955, Chapter 195
  Private Acts of 1972, Chapter 242
  Private Acts of 1975, Chapter 128
  Private Acts of 1983, Chapter 50

SECTION 4.  That all the children living within the boundaries of Bruceton shall attend the elementary school in Bruceton, and all the children living within Hollow Rock shall attend the elementary school in Hollow Rock, and the children living outside of the town of Hollow Rock and Bruceton, and within the bounds of said school district, shall attend such elementary school as may be designated by said County Board of Education.

All High School students living within the bounds of this Special School District are entitled to attend said Central High School provided for in this Act, and the County Board of Education is authorized and empowered to make such arrangements as they see proper for high school students living outside of said Special School District to attend said Central High School by complying with the rules and regulations of said Central High School in the payment of such tuition and other fees as may be fixed in said regulations by said County Board of Education.

SECTION 5.  That this the Hollow Rock-Bruceton Special School District is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and sell coupon bonds in an amount not exceeding Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars and to bear a rate of interest not exceeding six (6) per cent per annum, said bonds to be in denomination of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, and are to be numbered one to fifty inclusive, and are not to be sold for less than par value, and all of said bonds to mature within twenty-five years after the date of their issuance.  The proceeds of the sale of said bonds to be used exclusively for the purpose of obtaining lands upon which to locate said Central High School and constructing, erecting and equipping a school building or buildings, and the maintenance of said Central High School.

SECTION 6.  That said bonds when issued and sold are to be signed by the Chairman of the County Board of Education as such Chairman, and countersigned by the Secretary of said County Board of Education, and each coupon attached to said bonds shall bear the fac-simile [sic] of the signatures of said Chairman and Secretary of said Board of Education.

Said County Board of Education is authorized to sell said bonds, when issued, so that a part of them may fall due at different times or all of them at the same time, said sale to be made in such a manner as to be to the best interest of said Special School District.

SECTION 7.  That there is hereby levied a tax of forty cents on every One Hundred Dollars worth of taxable property for the year 1927 and each year thereafter, within said Hollow Rock-Bruceton Special School District, so as to create a fund to pay the interest annually and to create a sinking fund to pay said bonds as they may fall due when issued and sold as herein provided for in this Act.

SECTION 8.  That the bonds herein provided for shall not be issued and sold until after an election shall be held in said Special School District, at the regular voting places in Special School District, said election to be called and held by the County Election Commissioners upon the request and application of the County Board of Education, whoe [sic] duty it shall be under this Act, to make application to the Election Commissioners of the County to call and hold an election at the different voting places in said Special School District, so that the County Board of Education can as a result of said Election issue and sell said bonds upon a majority of the legal voters in said Special School District voting for the issuance of said bonds.  If in said election so called and held a majority of the voters vote for the issuance of said bonds, then it will be the duty of said County Board of Education to issue and sell said bonds according to the provisions of this Act.  But in no event shall the said Board of Education issue and sell said bonds until after a majority of the voters voting in an election called and held under this Act, and as herein provided, shall vote for the issuance of said bonds.  And this Act shall not be construed from [sic] preventing more than one election to be held, if a majority of the voters in said election fails to vote for the issuance of said bonds in an election held under this Act.  The ballots to be used in said election or elections shall have on them "For the issuance of said bonds" and "Against the issuance of said bonds" and this shall be the character of ballot used in any and all elections that may be held under this Act for the purpose of determining the will of the voters in said district as to the issuance of said bonds as herein provided for in this Act.  Said bonds shall be known and designated as Hollow Rock-Bruceton Special School bonds.

SECTION 9.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 12, 1927.