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Private Acts of 1925 Chapter 547

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The Tennessee Department of Education has no record of this special school district.  It is included in this compilation, however, because it has not been specifically repealed or superseded by law.

SECTION 1.  That a Special School District be, and the same is hereby created and established in Cannon County Tennessee, to be known as the Auburntown High School Special District, and to be comprised of and to embrace the Eleventh Civil District of Cannon County, Tennessee.  The boundary of said District of Cannon County as now established.

SECTION 2.  That the officers of Auburntown High School Special District shall consist of an Advisory Board of five members, the majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  The first board to consist of five members namely:  Tom Carter, (2) Earl McAdoo, (3) Oscar Moore, (4) W. B. Kennedy, and (5) J. T. Taylor.

All vacancies that may occur in said board shall be filled immediately by an appointment made by chairman of said board, provided that no one be chosen a member of said board who has not been a resident of said district, as above defined, for at least one year next preceding the anointment or election, and of the age of twenty-five years or more,(sic) The members of the school board shall serve as follows:  (1)  Tom Carter, (2) Earl McAdoo, (3) Oscar Moore, (4) W.B. Kennedy, (5) J. T. Taylor each shall serve two years, their successors to be elected by the qualified voters residing within said Auburntown High School at the regular August election 1926, and every two years thereafter, to serve two years.

Said board shall organize within thirty days after the passage of this act, by the election of a chairman and a secretary and a treasurer.

SECTION 3.  That the members of the Advisory Board above named and those hereafter elected shall have the right to erect buildings, repair and improve school buildings, and other school property, purchase land, to pay off indebtness, or any future indebtness, and concurrently with the County Board of Education to employ teachers, and generally to do those things necessary to carry on the business of a modern school.

SECTION 4.  That for the purpose of assisting in the support of the school or schools of said Special District and for the supplementing the regular school fund for said District so that the proper buildings and equipment and if necessary lengthening the term as a free public school or schools, there is hereby assessed for the year 1925, and for each succeeding tear thereafter a tax of not to exceed at any time twenty-five cents on every hundred dollars worth of property, both real and personal, situated within said Auburntown High School Special District, and there is also assessed for said purposes, one dollar poll tax on all persons who are liable for State and County poll, between twenty-one and fifty years, residing within said district.  The members of said Advisory Board shall have the power to fix rate of assessment, but not at any time to exceed one dollar poll and twenty-five cents tax on every one hundred dollars worth of personal and real property.

The basis for said taxes on said property shall be assessed values as shown by the books of the County Trustee and all taxes assessed on real estate shall be a lien upon such real estate.

The taxes herein assessed shall become due and be collected at the same time and in the same manner as taxes under the general laws of the State of Tennessee by the County Trustee.  The said taxes herein provided for shall be paid by the County Trustee to the Treasurer of said Advisory Board of Auburntown High School Special District, and the said Treasurer executing to the said trustee his receipt wherefor, which receipt shall be and constitute said Trustee's voucher for the sum or sums paid, and all said sums shall be and constitutes the supplementary fund of said Special School District which fund shall be under the control of said Advisory Board to be held, used, and paid out promptly for the use and benefit of the schools in said districts, the same to be paid out by the treasurer of said Advisory Board.

The tax assessor of Cannon County shall prepare a separate and complete list of all taxable property, real and personal, and poll within Special School District, for the use of County Trustee in collecting said taxes.

SECTION 5.  That the powers and duties of said Advisory Board shall be as follows:

(a)  To perfect and organize as herein provided.

(b)  To serve without compensation.

(c)  To administer the funds arising from this Act.

(d)  To advise, counsel, and cooperate with the Board of Education of Cannon County, in the conduct of school in said District.

(e)  To adopt rules and fix terms by and with the consent of the Cannon County Board of Education, for the admission of students and pupils from the outside to the schools within the district.

(f)  To require the Treasurer to file with said Board a good solvent bond for all funds coming into his hands as treasurer of said Board.

SECTION 4.  That no part of this Act shall be construed as in any way interfering with or abridging the powers of County Board of Education of Cannon County in the administration of the schools of said district but supplementary thereto only.

SECTION 5.  That all laws in conflict with this Act be and are hereby repealed and that this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 4, 1925.