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Private Acts of 1925 Chapter 267

SECTION 1.  That the County Trustees in all counties having a population of over 30,940 and under 30, 960 according to the Federal Census, shall give one bond to the State of Tennessee for its own use for the same amount of the taxes collected for the State during the year prior to which such bonds shall be executed and one to the State of Tennessee for the use and benefit of such county in the amount of 30% of the taxes collected for the county during the year prior to which such bonds shall be executed, as the same may be shown by the report of the Trustee of such county make to the State Comptroller and to the County Count of such county in September next preceding the execution of such bonds.

SECTION 2.  That any and all bonds now in effect shall, within thirty days after this Act shall take effect, be readjusted upon the above basis.

SECTION 3.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 4.  That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requqiring (sic) it.

Passed:  March 18, 1925.