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Private Acts of 1923 Chapter 512

SECTION 1.  That there is hereby created and established in Cumberland County, a Sixth Civil District, the boundaries to be as follows:

Beginning in the Morgan and Cumberland County line on the crest of Crab Orchard Mountain within the boundaries of Joe Smith's farm; thence southwestwardly with the top of said mountain passing by Jack Smith's farm and to the south thereof to the Frank Derrick place and including same; thence southwardly passing burnt bridge on Spencer's Hill to Burke's Creek; thence down Burke's Creek with its meanders to Fall Creek; thence down Fall Creek with its meanders to its intersection with the Roane and Cumberland County line; thence with the line between road and Cumberland County and Morgan and Cumberland County to the place of beginning.

SECTION 2.  That within 60 days from the approval of this Act the County Board of Election Commissioners for said county shall call and advertise an election for the purpose of electing two Justices of the Peace and one Constable by the legally qualified voters of said district, who shall hold their respective offices until the next regular election held for the election of county and district officers, and until their successors are elected and qualified.

SECTION 3.  That all subsequent elections shall be held under the general election laws of this State and said district shall be entitled to elect such officers to represent said district as are elected in other districts of the county and for a like term with like powers and duties.

SECTION 4.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed.

SECTION 5.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 28, 1923.