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Private Acts of 1921 Chapter 50

SECTION 1.  That the territory in Cocke County, Tennessee, embraced within the boundary hereinafter described shall be and hereafter constitute the Eleventh (11th) Civil District of Cocke County, Tennessee, and shall have all the privileges and powers as any other Civil District in said County, said territory being bounded and described as follows:  to-wit:

Beginning on the old Harrison line on the West bank of Big Pigeon River just south of Buffton, Tennessee, and running along and with said Harrison line in a southwesterly direction to the top of a ridge dividing the territory known as Miller's Branch and Cane Hollow, thence with the Crest of said ridge to the old Gilliland line, thence with said Gilliland line crossing the public road to the gap in the ridge at the head of Trail Hollow, thence along and with the meanders of the Crest of Chestnut mountain to a gap in said mountain at the old State Road, thence with the meanders of the mountain which divided the waters of Crosby Creek and the tributaries of Pigeon River to the top of White Rock Mountain on the boundary line between the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, thence in a Northeasterly direction along and with said state line to said Pigeon River at Waterville, thence in a Northwesterly direction with the meanders of said river to the Rocky Branch, where the same empties into said river a short distance southeast of the T. & N. & C. Railroad bridge, thence up said Rocky Branch to its source, thence a straight line to the top of the ridge, thence with the crest of the ridge to the top of Little Rich Mountain to the H. L. Clark property line, thence with said Clark line to a gap in the ridge where the public road from Nailor to Grassy Fork crosses the ridge, thence with the meanders of the crest of Grassy Fork Mountain in a Northeasterly direction to the public road, thence in an easterly course on the divide between Big Creek and Mountain Creek to the top of Taper's Ridge thence with the divide between Big Creek and Nile Creek and along the crest of Buck Ridge to a place known as the Hangover Knob on the Eighth District line, thence in a southwest course with the Eighth District line to Pigeon River, and thence up said river in a southerly direction to the beginning corner, so as to include all of the territory within the above described boundary in the Eleventh (11th) Civil District, hereby created.

SECTION 2.  That the election commissioners of Cocke County shall, on the St. Monday in March, 1921, open and hold an election in said District for the purpose of electing two (2) Justices of the Peace and one (1) constable for said District, who shall hold their offices until the next regular election for said offices:  Provided that upon failure or refusal of the election commissioners to open and hold such election as above provided on said date, then the qualified voters of said District herein created shall have the right to open and hold said election as above provided on said date and said election so held by the qualified voters of said District shall have all the force and be as binding as if held by the Election Commissioners of said County.  Provided further, that if for any reason the qualified voters or the Election Commissioners for said County fail to open and hold said election on said date herein mentioned, then the Election Commissioners for said County may on giving notice as required by law in such cases, open and hold an election for the purpose of electing said officers, at any subsequent date, and in case they fail to do so, the County Court of Cocke County shall order said Election Commissioners to hold an election for said purpose, at a date fixed by said Court, and if the Election Commissioners fail or refuse to hold said election at the time fixed by said Court, then the qualified voters of said District may hold said election on said date.

SECTION 3.  That the voting places for said District shall be at Hartford, and at Brown Station.  Provided that the County Court of said County may at any time by proper order designate the voting place or places within said District.

SECTION 4.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  January 25, 1921.