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Private Acts of 1919 Chapter 365

SECTION 1. That in all counties of this State having a population of not less than 13,600, and not more than 13,620, according to the Federal Census of 1910 or any subsequent Federal Census, it is hereby declared a misdemeanor for any person, firm or corporation to throw any trash, rubbish, dead animals, or the bodies of dead animals or fowls, or place or put any other obstruction in any alley, lane or street in any unincorporated town or city in any county of this State named in and coming within the provisions of this Act, or to hitch any horse or other animals to any shade tree adjacent to the property of another or to hitch any horse or other animals on or over any sidewalk, or to use the sidewalks or streets, alleys or lanes for exhibition or storage purposes, other than for the purposes for which they were constructed; or to maintain or keep in or about their premises or other public place any slop holes, cesspools, unsanitary closet pits, or other unsanitary or objectionable places liable to breed disease and to the menace of the health of the community or neighborhood in which they are kept or maintained.

SEC. 2. That the violation of the first Section of this Act shall be a misdemeanor, and any person convicted of the violation of the provisions of Section one of this Act shall pay a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00; and that Justices of the Peace in said counties shall have original jurisdiction of said offenses and shall have the same power and authority as in other misdemeanors.

SEC. 3. That the sheriffs of said counties shall appoint a special duty in and for said cities and towns whose special duty shall be to see that the provisions of this Act are enforced, and shall make arrests of all violators of this Act in the same manner as for violation of other misdemeanors. Said deputy shall make such inspections of the premises within said cities and towns as he deems proper, and it shall be his duty to make special inspections of premises when called upon to do so by any person who makes complaint of the unsanitary condition of any premises within said cities and towns; and said deputy shall, if he deems that unsanitary conditions prevail, give instructions and directions to the person owning the property, to clean up the premises and put the same in a sanitary condition; and if his orders and directions are not promptly obeyed, it shall be his duty to bring the violators before a Judge of the Peace of said town or city to answer the charge of violating the provisions of this Act.

SEC. 4. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed, and that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 31, 1919.