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Private Acts of 1919 Chapter 15

SECTION 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the County Judges of the counties of this State having a population of not less than 25,430 and not more than 25,440 according to the Federal Census of 1910, or any subsequent Federal Census, shall receive, in addition to the salary now provided by law, for services as County Judge, the additional sum or amount of $4,000.00 per annum for services as accounting officer, financial agent and general agent of such counties, said sum or amount of $4,000.00 to be paid monthly out of the county treasury upon the judge's own warrant, and is to be in addition, as aforesaid, to the salary or salaries now allowed said County Judge in all counties falling within the provisions of this Act.

That in all Counties of this State to which this Act applies, it shall be the duty of the Quarterly County Court, to assign and allocate offices and office space, in the County Courthouse to County Officers and to such other public agencies as may be entitled to office space.

(a)  Provided that the office space now used by any County Officer elected by the people of the County or the Quarterly County Court shall be changed without the Quarterly County Court first authorizing such changes by a majority vote of the members present at a regular session of such Quarterly County Court.

(b)  Provided further that no person or persons, partnership or company, professional or layman, shall be allowed to use an office or office space in the County Courthouse, directly or indirectly for personal profit, professional fees, salaries or otherwise, except the salary lawfully paid for their respective County or public offices.

(c)  Provided that it shall be the duty of the County Judge, upon receiving information that any office or space in the County Courthouse is used for personal profit by any occupant thereof, other than the lawful salary or fees to which such officer is entitled by law, to notify the Quarterly County Court.

SECTION 2.  That the amount by which the compensation of each County Judge is increased by the provisions of this Act shall be deemed and treated as additional compensation for services as fiscal agent accounting officer and not as an increase in compensation as judicial officer.

SECTION 3.  That the compensation herein provided be paid monthly out of the general funds of the respective counties upon a warrant drawn by the County Judges.

SECTION 4.  That the provisions of this Act are hereby declared to be severable, and if any of its sections or provisions, clauses, or parts of clauses, sections or provisions be declared to be unconstitutional, them the remainder of this Act shall remain in full force and effect, it being the legislative intent now here declared, that this Act would have been adopted if such void and unconstitutional parts hereof had not been included.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1939, Chapter 432
  Private Acts of 1951, Chapter 195
  Private Acts of 1953, Chapter 591
  Private Acts of 1977, Chapter 160

SECTION 6.  Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed, and this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  January 22, 1919.