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Private Acts of 1917 Chapter 440

SECTION 1.  That the following boundary in Claiborne County, Tennessee, shall be and hereafter constitute the Tenth Civil Districts of said county:

Beginning on top of the Cumberland Mountain at Hopper's Gap, thence running southwardly with Sam Alexander's lane to the Valley road so as to include Dorsey Alexander in the Tenth Civil District hereby created, thence up said road northeastwardly to Branscomb lane to the back valley road so as to leave F. R. Dunn's farm in the Seventh Civil District of said county, thence eastwardly with said Back Valley road to Toney Hollow, thence with said Toney Hollow to the top of the dividing ridge, thence with said ridge southwardly to the Union County line, thence with Union County line to Powell's River, thence eastwardly with Powell's River to the Sixth District line; then with the Sixth District line northwardly to the top of the Cumberland Mountain, then with the top of Cumberland Mountain and the Ninth District line westwardly to the beginning, hereby creating a new Civil District as provided by Chapter 94 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1903.

SEC. 2.  That the Election Commissioners of Claiborne County shall on the first Thursday in May, 1917, open and hold an election in said district for the purpose of electing two Justices of the Peace and one Constable for said district, who shall hold their offices until the next regular election, provided, however, that in the event said Election Commissioners shall fail or refuse to call an election as above provided, the qualified voters of said district hereby created shall have the right to hold said election on said date.

SEC. 3.  That the voting place for said district hereby created shall be at Vanbibbers Spring the present voting place for the Seventh Civil District of said county.

SEC. 4.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 28, 1917.