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Private Acts of 1913 Chapter 243

SECTION 1. That all counties in this State having a population of 190,000 or over by the Federal census of 1910 or any subsequent Federal census and municipalities within said counties, are authorized to enter into and make contracts by which the said counties are to take and care for the prisoners of said municipalities.

SECTION 2. That said Counties, after making a contract in the manner herein set out, are authorized and empowered to keep the prisoners of said municipalities, and to board, house, and guard them. The said counties are authorized and empowered to work said prisoners at any point in said counties inside the corporate limits of said municipalities or not, but no greater degree of labor can be imposed upon said cities' prisoners than could be imposed by the particular municipalities under its existing charter powers. The said municipalities are authorized to pay for the boarding, housing, and guarding of said prisoners by their work on the county roads, or in any other way agreed upon between the
cities and counties.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1961, Chapter 376.

SECTION 3. That the contract to be entered into between the counties and municipalities here set out, shall be passed by the Quarterly County Court and be approved by it in every detail on the part of the county, except in such counties as possess Boards of Commissioners in whom is vested the authority concerning matters of this character, and in which counties the said contract shall be passed and approved in every detail by the said Board of Commissioners.

SECTION 4. That Chapter 300 of the Private Acts of Tennessee of 1911, be, and the same is, hereby repealed.

SECTION 5. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 26, 1913