SECTION 1. That a new civil district be, and the same is, hereby created in Sumner County, composed of territory now comprised in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Civil Districts of said county, and bounded as follows: Beginning at Monroe Cline's at the Cairo road, where it crosses the State line between Kentucky and Tennessee, running south with said road by Dyer Durbane's to the Sugar Grove road; thence east with Sugar Grove road about 400 yards; thence south with the Cairo road by Ike Rippy's, Herchell Laws', Lon Colbert's, and Andy Mandrell's to Dutch Creek at Esq. George Troutt, Sr.'s old place; thence up the creek about 400 yards to the mouth of what is known as Allen Graves' branch; thence southward up said branch by W. C. Stone's to the Pondville and Westmoreland road; thence east with said road about 400 yards to George Key's corner; thence southward with the road to Thomas M. Graves'; thence with crest of ridge by Bluford Mayhew's to the Eleventh District line; thence westwardly with the Eleventh District line to the Fourteenth District line; thence northwardly with the Fourteenth District line to the Thirteenth District line; thence northwardly with the Thirteenth District line to A. G. Sarver's; thence northward with the road running from said Sarvers to Nubia; thence with road running from Nubia to Newroe road, leaving Mrs. Julia Griffin on the east; thence westward with Newroe road to where it intersects with Brackin Town and Newroe road at Owen Riggs'; thence north with Newroe and Brackin Town road to the Kentucky line at Sneaksville; thence eastward with Kentucky line to the beginning. Said district to be known as the Seventeenth or Fairfield Civil District of Sumner County.
SECTION 2. That there shall be no election held for officers in said district until the regular August election in 1912; but that the officers now serving in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Districts respectively shall continue to have jurisdiction over the territory embraced in this district until said election.
SECTION 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed.
Passed: Juley 4, 1911
COMPILER'S NOTE: The reader should note that "Civil Districts" and "County Commissioner Districts" are not the same. Civil Districts are not required to conform to certain population limitations as are county commissioner districts. Civil districts are now used for record purposes, not electoral purposes. T.C.A. § 5-1-112.