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Private Acts of 1911 Chapter 298

SECTION 1. That the several Counties of this State having a population of not more than 25,909 nor less than 25, 809, by the Federal Census, are hereby authorized, acting by and through their County Courts at regular quarterly terms, to borrow money, and to order execution of note or notes therefor, for the purpose of liquidation, settling and adjusting any outstanding and impaired indebtness that may be hereafter created, provided, such County however, shall not at any time execute, under the provisions of this Act, or have outstanding and unpaid its note or notes for borrowed money for a greater sum than Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1921, Chapter 900.

SECTION 2. That the amount authorized to be borrowed by any such court under the provisions of this Act, shall be set out in an entry on its minutes stating the length of time for which the same is to be borrowed and the rate of interest the same is to bear, such rate of interest, however, not to exceed six per cent per annum.

SECTION 3. That such note or notes may be executed in the name of the county, the same to be signed by the Judge or Chairman of the County Court, and attested by the clerk of the court under the seal of the court.

SECTION 4. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect form and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

PASSED: April 5, 1911.