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Private Acts of 1911 Chapter 238

SECTION 1. That in all counties of the State having a population of one hundred and ninety thousand or more, according to the Federal census of 1910 or any subsequent Federal census, the Chairman of the County Court shall be a member of the court. If he should at any time cease to be a member of the court, his office as Chairman is to be, ipso facto, vacated.

SECTION 2. That County Courts out of the treasury of said counties shall pay the Chairman of the County Court such salary per annum as shall be set by resolution of the County Court, and in addition such allowance as may be fixed by resolution of the County Court for the employment of stenographic and clerical help and office expense and travel expense required in the conduct of the business of his said office, such salary and other allowance to be paid in equal monthly installments.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1913, Chapter 60
  Private Acts of 1919, Chapter 749
  Private Acts of 1921, Chapter 772
  Private Acts of 1921, Chapter 970
  Private Acts of 1925, Chapter 261
  Private Acts of 1933, Chapter 373
  Private Acts of 1937, Chapter 340
  Private Acts of 1953, Chapter 297
  Private Acts of 1957, Chapter 88
  Private Acts of 1959, Chapter 143
  Private Acts of 1970, Chapter 289  

SECTION 3. That all laws in conflict herewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed.

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after January 1, 1912.

Passed: March 30, 1911.