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Private Acts of 1907 Chapter 183

WHEREAS the remains of Capt. William B. Allen are interred in a burying ground about one mile east of Ethridge, Lawrence County, Tenn., at the place known as the "Old Allen Stand;" and

WHEREAS the said burying ground and the tombs therein are in a dilapidated condition, and there is no inclosure to protect same; and

WHEREAS the said Captain Allen was a native of Lawrence County, was a gallant soldier in the war with Mexico, and was killed at the battle of Monterey, in 1846, therefore,

SECTION 1. That the Quarterly Court of Lawrence County be authorized and empowered to appropriate any sum or sums said Court at any session may wish and vote; to be used for any purpose and object relative thereto that said Quarterly Court in session may designate and direct as well as for the purpose of erecting a fence around the burying ground in which the remains of Capt. William B. Allen are interred, the sum or sums so appropriated to be paid by the county upon a warrant drawn by the County Judge out of the county treasury.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1921, Chapter 331

SECTION 2. That said Quarterly Court appoint three Commissioners, who shall serve without compensation, and whose duty it shall be to see to the proper expenditure of said sum of money, and see that a suitable fence is erected around said burying ground; Provided, that the title to said burying ground be first transferred to the county of Lawrence as hereinafter enacted.

SECTION 3. That the county of Lawrence be authorized to accept a deed to one-half acre, which is known as the burying ground at the Allen Stand, made by the proper parties, and that the said county of Lawrence, acting through its Quarterly Court, be authorized to expend such sums in the maintenance of said burying ground as the occasion may demand; Provided, that said title be passed without cost to said county.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1921, Chapter 331

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 21, 1907.