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Private Acts of 1905 Chapter 538

SECTION 1. That the county line between Overton and Putnam Counties be changed as follows:

Beginning with a post oak in A. P. Warren's west boundary line; thence east with said line seventy poles to a white oak in Ben Mason's west boundary line; thence north eighty poles with said line to a white oak in B. L. Loften's south boundary line; thence west with said line and P. M. Greenwood's south boundary line seventy poles to a stone in G.W. Roberts' east boundary line; thence south with said line one hundred and forty poles to a stone, it being Roberts' southeast corner; thence west eighty poles with said Robert's line to Mill Creek; thence south eighty poles with said creek to a stake; thence southeast seventy poles with D. H. Maddux's north boundary line to stake; thence east seventy poles with said Maddux's north boundary line to a stone in A. P. Warren's west boundary line; thence north seventy poles with the said Warren's line to the beginning, detaching the above lands from Overton County and attaching to Putnam County.

Passed: April 14, 1905