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Private Acts of 1905 Chapter 303

SECTION 1. That there are hereby created and established for and within the County of Meigs, in this State, and in lieu of the eight Civil Districts therein as now laid out, four Civil Districts only.

SECTION 2. That the boundaries of said districts shall be as follows: First District shall be the First District as now existing; Second District shall be composed of old Second and Third Districts; Third District shall be composed of old Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Districts; Fourth District shall be composed of old Seventh and Eighth Districts.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it; Provided, that this Act shall in no way interfere with the rights and terms of office of the present Justices of the Peace and district officers of said county; and Provided further, that this Act shall in no way affect the School Districts of said county as now laid out, or that may hereafter be established by the County Court of said county.

Passed: April 11, 1905.