SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Macon and Sumner be, and the same is hereby, so changed as to include the residences of J. Y. Williams, J. M. Henson, W. M. Henson, J. B. Garrett, W. R. Duffy, George Vance, Jim Woodard, and John Hawkins, and the Widow Taylor in Sumner County. Said line to run as follows: Beginning at a rock near Berry Williams' house in the Sumner and Macon County line, running thence east about 130 poles to J. T. Williams' corner; thence north about 150 poles to a beech, Amy Jumper's corner; thence east about 75 poles to a stake; thence northeast with John Garrett's and W. R. Duffy's line to George Vance's northeast corner; thence west about 175 poles back to the Macon and Sumner County line.
SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 5, 1905.