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Private Acts of 1901 Chapter 383

SECTION 1. That the following bounded section shall compose the Thirteenth Civil District of Macon County, Tennessee: Beginning at West Fork school house in the Eleventh Civil District line, running thence down West Fork of Long Creek to the lands of John H. Morgan; thence eastward and including said John H. Morgan's land; thence including all the lands of James Dotson, Benjamin Meador, Stanford Ballard, Charles Gilliam, Wilson Hickman, Joe Claiborne, S. S. Ragan, thence due north to the Kentucky line; thence with the same to the Sumner County line; thence with the same to the Eleventh Civil District line of Macon County; thence with said Eleventh Civil District line to the beginning.

SECTION 2. That the Election Commissioners of Macon County shall within thirty days after the passage of this Act, open and hold an election in said district for the purpose of electing two Justices of the Peace and one Constable for said district, who shall hold their offices until the next general election for such offices respectively.

SECTION 3. That Gum Wood shall be the voting precinct in said district.

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 4, 1901.