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Private Acts of 1897 Chapter 257

SECTION 1. That the boundary line between the counties of Scott and Fentress in the counties aforesaid be and the same are hereby defined and constituted as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Caney Branch on the north side of the Clear Fork, and running thence north 35 degrees, 45 minutes, west 1,067 poles to the mouth of Potter's Branch, on White Oak creek; thence north 18 degrees, 30 minutes, west 1,450 poles to a set stone, on latitude line 36 degrees, 30 minutes, known as the old Matthews' line, near Katy Blevins' old place; thence north 27 degrees, west 1,600 poles to a stone north of the Louis Burke old place; thence north 32 degrees, west 1,000 poles to a planted rock in the present line, between the States of Kentucky and Tennessee.

SECTION 2. That from and after the passage of this Act, this shall be the dividing line between the counties of Scott and Fentress as aforesaid, except as follows: That the whole farm of Franklin Sewell shall be included in Fentress County, and the whole of the farm now owned and occupied by Daniel Blevins and Jacob Blevins, and the Louis Burke place shall be included in the county of Scott.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  February 11, 1897.