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Private Acts of 1897 Chapter 137

SECTION 1.  That the county line between Crockett and Gibson be changed as follows:  Beginning where the line now leaves the Middle Fork of Forked Deer river, said point being in the east boundary line of A. J. Collinsworth's farm, known as the Bell farm, running thence down the center of the channel of the said Forked Deer river to where the north line of the said Bell track leaves said river; thence west with Humboldt and Alamo road, and the lines of the said Collinsworth and J. F. Craddock to the lands of T. J. Craddock, deceased; thence with the lines of said Collinsworth and said T. J. Craddock, deceased, to the present county line, including in Crockett County the entire track known as the Bell farm.

SECTION 2.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 31, 1897.