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Private Acts of 1870 Chapter 34

SECTION 1.  That the territory of Giles County lying north and east of the line beginning on the top of the ridge in Giles and Marshall County line, at the west end of Enoch Smith's farm, not far from Wesley Griffs; running thence, in a southern direction with a lane, to the Bear Creek Church road; thence with said road to the mouth of the land in the Cornersville and Lynnville road that divides the farm of P. T. Cox and Richard Wilkes; thence south with the Cornersville and Lynnville road to a large poplar in the road where the Cornersville and Lynnville road turns east; thence with the old Huntsville and Columbia road to the Christian Church near D. G. Ussey's, the same being the line of the seventeenth district of Giles County; thence with the said Huntsville and Columbia road and the civil district line, to what is known as the G. W. Day farm and Easlick's mills; then east, so as to strike the line that divides the lands of S. G. Marsh and W. W. Simmons, near the Cornersville and Pulaski turnpike; thence east with said Marsh and Simmons' line to the southeast corner of said Marsh's farm; thence north to the middle of Richland Creek; thence east up Richland Creek, meandering the same to the point where the Giles and Marshall County line crosses the creek near James Moore's, shall be, and the same is hereby attached to and constitute a part of Marshall County.

SECTION 2.  That the territorial fractions, taken from Giles and added to Marshall County by this Act, shall continue liable for its pro rata of all debts contracted by Giles County before the passage of this act, and the said fraction shall be entitled to its proportion of any stocks or credits belonging to Giles County.

SECTION 3.  That the State and County taxes of said fraction for the year 1870, shall be collected by the Tax Collector of Giles County, and when collected in said fraction, the county tax shall be paid to the County Trustee of Giles County, and constitute a part of the county revenue of Giles County.

SECTION 4.  That as the public welfare requiring it, this act shall take effect from and after its passage.

Passed:  June 30, 1870.