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Private Acts of 1868-69 (2nd Ex. Sess.) Chapter 40

SECTION 14.  That the Board of County Commissioners of Giles County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a Jailor for said county, who shall when so appointed, take an oath of office such as other county officers are required to take, to be administered by the County Judge of said county, and after being thus qualified, the Sheriff of said county shall upon demand, turn over the jails and prisoners together with all of the property belonging thereto, the Jailor thus appointed and qualified taking his receipt for the same.

SECTION 15.  That said Jailer (sic) when appointed and qualified, shall be required to do and perform such duties as are now by law imposed upon the Sheriff of said county, and shall receive the same pay for said duties as the Sheriff now receives.

SECTION 16.  That all laws conflicting with this Act be, and they are hereby repealed.

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The rest of this act does not apply to Giles County.