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Private Acts of 1851-52 Chapter 249

SECTION 1.  That the dividing line between the counties of Campbell and Claiborne be changed as follows, to wit:  Beginning on the north bank of Powell's river on lot____line letter D, in Henderson & Co's, Powell's Valley survey, running northward with said line letter D, to the grant line, thence north to the Kentucky line, so as to include the first civil district of Claiborne county, in the county of Campbell.

SEC. 2.  That Alvis Kincaid, Jesse Rogers, Francis Ausmus, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to run and mark said line as designated in the first section of this act, on or before the first day of April next; all persons living west of said line when run, and marked as above stated, be and they are hereby attached to, and shall have all the rights, privileges and immunities of other citizens of Campbell county.

SEC. 3.  That said fraction of Claiborne county, shall not be attached to Campbell county until said section shall have employed the county surveyor, either of Claiborne or Campbell county to make an accurate survey of the remaining portion of Claiborne county, and after said surveyor shall have made said survey, and a report upon oath that Claiborne county will not be reduced below its constitutional number of square miles by said change of line between said counties; the surveyor shall receive the ordinary fees for his services to be paid by that part of Claiborne asking to be attached to Campbell county.

SEC. 4.  That the lines between the counties of Carter and Johnson, be so changed as to include the tracts of land on which Joshua Perkins and Richard G. Perkins live, within the said county of Carter.

SEC. 5.  That the county of Benton retain its original name in honor of David Benton, an old and respectable citizen of said county.

Passed,  January 26, 1852.