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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 70

SECTION 1. That all that portion of the county of Henry, contained within the following boundary, shall hereafter be and the same is hereby attached to the county of Benton, to wit:--Beginning on the Tennessee river, on the line that divides the county of Henry and Benton, and thence running down said river with its meanders, so far, to a point, that by running a line due west will include all the inhabitants on Lick creek to Sandy river; thence up the said river with its meanders, to where it intersects with the county line of Benton county.

SECTION 2. That D.P. Henderson, Nicholas Brewer and Charles J. Wheatley, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to run and mark the boundary as herein prescribed; for which they shall receive a compensation to be allowed them by the county court of Benton county, and they shall make a complete plat of the territory hereby included in said county, and the same shall be spread on the records of the said county.

SECTION 3. That the citizens within the aforesaid boundary shall exercise all the rights and privileges of the citizens of the county of Benton, in electing their county officers for said county; PROVIDED, they shall vote for members of congress, governor, electors for president and vice president, and members of the general assembly, with the county of Henry, until the next enumeration, in pursuance of the fifth section and tenth article of the amended constitution.

SECTION 4. That all taxes and public dues from the citizens within the aforesaid boundary, due to the county of Henry, shall be collected in the same manner as heretofore, and they shall be liable for the same, in as full and ample a manner as if said citizens had never been detached from said county of Henry.

Passed: February 15th, 1836.