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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 41

SECTION 1.  That the portion of Rutherford county lying in Hoover's Gap, shall be, and the same is hereby attached to the county of Coffee, by a direct line, to be run across said Gap at right angles, as near as may be, so as to intersect with the Bedford county line as the same existed before the said county of Coffee was established, on the ridge on each side of said Gap, leaving Christopher Hoover and Jacob Hoover in the county of Rutherford, and crossing the Gap as near Jacob Hoover's mill as practicable, to leave those persons on the north side of said line, and the territory lying south of the line to be run as aforesaid, shall become a part of the said county of Coffee.

SECTION 2.  That the citizens residing in the territory described in the first section of this act shall be placed on an equal footing, possess equal powers and privileges in all respects with the other citizens of said county of Coffee; and that Solomon Beesly be appointed to run and mark the line as herein provided for, for which he shall be allowed three dollars for every day he may be necessarily employed in running and marking said line, to be paid by the said county of Coffee.

SECTION 6.  That the first line of Coffee county, instead of south eight east from the beginning ten and a half miles to the twelve mile point east of Shelbyville, shall be so run southwardly ten and a half miles as to strike the twelve mile point east of Shelbyville.

Passed:  February 4, 1836.

COMPILER'S NOTE Sections 3, 4 and 5 concerned circuit courts of several counties and are not printed in this section.