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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 32

SECTION 1. That the territory contained in the lines herein after mentioned, shall constitute a county to be called the county of Bradley, in honor of and to perpetuate the memory of Col.  Edward Bradley, late of Shelby County.

SECTION 2. The said county of Bradley shall be bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the point on the south bank of Hiwassee river, where the Rhea county line terminates; thence along said line until it strikes the Hamilton county line, at Wilson Evans's; thence along said line to the White Oak mountain; thence along the extreme height of said mountain and the Hamilton county line entire, until it strikes the five mile point of Hamilton county line, on the dividing line between the States of Georgia and Tennessee; thence along said line until it strikes the main channel of the Hiwassee river; thence down the said main channel with the center thereof, including such islands as there may be therein, to the beginning.

SECTION 3. For the administration of justice in said county of Bradley, the county courts shall be held at the methodist camp ground, near the head of Chatsian creek, until the last Saturday in May next; at which time, a vote shall be taken by the qualified voters of said county, between some two or more places, which shall be put in nomination by the justices of the county court, at their first term in May; and the place which shall receive the largest number of votes shall be the place of holding the different courts, in said county, until further provided for by law; Provided, said justices shall not designate any Indian reservation, without the consent of the Indians residing thereon, at the times it is required to be held in the counties now established; and circuit courts shall also be held at the same place, on such days as may be designated in an act to be passed at the present session on the subject of circuit courts.  The said courts shall be held at the place aforesaid, until a seat of justice be established, and then the same shall be held at such seat of justice.  Said courts shall be under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, and shall exercise the same power and authority and jurisdiction that are possessed by said courts in other counties of this State.

SECTION 4. The deputy sheriff of McMinn county, Joseph W. McMillan, or in case he should die, remove, or refuse to act, the sheriff of the said County of McMinn, with the power to appoint as many deputies as may be necessary, shall hold an election at the times and places as may be designated in the general laws to be passed at the present session of the general assembly, for the election of all county and district officers, as well as militia officers, for said county; and the said officers, when elected, shall be commissioned in the same manner and have the same powers, duties and emoluments, as other officers of the same grade and denomination.

SECTION 5. The militia of the said county shall compose one regiment, and be numbered and attached to such brigade as may be provided in the militia law of the present session.

SECTION 6. That said county of Bradley shall be attached to the county of McMinn, for the election of representatives and senators in the General assembly, and members of Congress, and the election of electors of president and vice president until otherwise ordered by law.

SECTION 7. The justices of the peace to be elected by said county, shall be qualified by some justice of the peace, of any adjoining county, at the first term of their court, after their election, or the said oaths may be administered by any circuit judge of this State.  When the county seat is established said town shall be called Cleveland, in honor of Col.  Benjamin Cleaveland; Provided, nothing in this act contained, shall extend to authorize any further jurisdiction over the Cherokee Indians, than such as is authorized by the act of 1833.

Passed:  February 10, 1836.