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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 31

SECTION 1.  That a new and distinct county be and the same is hereby established, to be known and distinguished as the county of Johnson; beginning at the line of Sullivan county, at a place called the Rich End, where the cross ridge commences that divides the waters of Beaver Dam and Stoney creeks; thence running with the height of said ridge to the Iron mountain; thence with the extreme heights of said mountain to a point opposite the ridge running from said mountain between Dugger's and Vanhouse's; then with said ridge to the Watauga river; then up said river to the mouth of Elk creek; then with the ridge dividing Elk creek from the Watauga river, to the North Carolina line; then with the line between Carter county and North Carolina line to the Virginia line; then with the Virginia line to the corner between Carter and Sullivan counties, from thence to the beginning.

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The remaining Sections of this act did not apply to Carter County and therefore are not included herein.

Passed:  January 2, 1836.